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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST

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thank you for joining us today. more than one month. a deal is only possible if. the west. keeps. the opposite effect. the u.s. may be serious sanctions against iran are not targeted at the general public but there was barely a single person from the population of around seventy five million who hasn't been to. i used to buy tomatoes and boxes then and kilo now they're
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selling them in pieces. with. iran's all expertise fell by one million barrels a day in the last year following an international embargo has taken sixty percent of the oil revenue the iranian currency lost forty percent of its value against the u.s. dollar causing twenty five percent inflation in october the highest in decades. behind this. suffering from rising prices and a lack of food and medicine the west sides the measures a range at making iran give up its nuclear program which may or may not be aiming to produce weapons there is and is the government that we have here they don't like the government they haven't liked the government for the last thirty some years and because of israeli pressures they do want to see the end of the government and having the sanctions to pressure the public opinion inside iran you know when
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economy is about to be very good they're hoping people will go to the streets and protest and have a revolution but the fact seems to be the opposite i mean the cells in iran in carpets one of the country's proud sources of revenue once a critic of the iranian government has recently had a change of heart if for me it's for me then why for another people are for another god who is not forbidden for israel is not for being a father of five for american is not going to be there for you know. they're after war they want to ask you something to do that nor you are free of your free people you know this is the best way which my government. followed not only do they create anger among ordinary iranians and the iranians see their behavior towards the country as it. is but people in the region and beyond see what the united states and the europeans are trying to do so
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the image of the united states and europe is has been severely damaged but iran's image has also been damaged one recent poll shows iran talks the least as the country with the most negative image popular stereotypes include doesn't war and really just fanatics. in britain and many outlets in the united states want to create an image of a villain not only the you know name government but also the iranian people iran has been under sanctions for decades but it's only following the latest round the country's economy has been a visibly shaking and even if some people here the wrong way now think it's down to the authorities mismanagement the majority still hold the u.s. and western responsible this painting behind me has been here for years and as the supreme just quoted here suggests well look with america even for a moment the tension prisoners will most likely remain here for some time to come
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rational shakti teheran iran. and the u.s. is doubling its presence in spain this year and is just one part of a push for post military ties across the atlantic as pentagon chief leon panetta makes his final european tour at the post. and a moderate islamist pariah a court and protests that have entered day still to come here on r t we report on what the government sees as a conspiracy between the people and judiciary to depose. for an hour summoned to the floor of the european parliament cyprus was asked to assess its actions over the last six months during which the country over the e.u. it was a period of sore unemployment skyrocket britain eyeing the exit door and talks on an e.u. trillion euro budget collapse however as it turns out that's not how brussel saw it
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instead heaping praise on cypriot leadership and he's pretty wrong for this report well it was all hunch aches and slaps on the back of them a piece went through what cyprus is done in their six month tenure as the e.u. presidency the president of cyprus saying that it was a time in which they the chief significant results and targets strange words considering that it was also a period in which the e.u. went through rising unemployment no agreement on an e.u. budget and in which cyprus continued to ask for a bailout i have to say a bailout which from here in germany many politicians all across the the bundestag are very reluctant to approve this amid allegations of widespread tax fraud from cypriot banks but what happens next the baton gets passed on of the e.u. presidency gets passed on to the island of course a country that has had its own problems this baton essentially seeming to be passed on in the relay race of the fiscally toxic island of course had to receive the e.u.
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and i.m.f. bailout money they've also had their own problems with unemployment and it's up to them to try and put that right in the next six months in which they take over the presidency. he's putting all of our reporting there now a high price to overthrow a government and the arab spring revolutions drain the coffers of countries like libya or egypt to cordon to the latest estimates to stay with us to find out the bill for changing the regime. and history comes full circle for the united states forty years after the end of america's offensive in vietnam we talk to a veteran who says the mistakes of that war are being repeated but this time in afghanistan. for now security forces have barricaded pakistan's parliament with three layers of shipping containers as tens of thousands of protesters pressed forward their leader an islamic cleric has
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issued the government with a final ultimatum he's demanding the parliament's dissolution and sweeping election reforms threatening to spark a revolution if indeed he's ignored earlier the supreme court ordered the arrest of the prime minister who is embroiled in a bribery scandal and something the protesters saw victory. is in islam. we are standing here and a very crucial point actually it is called the famous disk where all the local language where. his protesters are gathered and demanded the government to step down. and he has added to that the seven demands which briefly that the all parliamentarian legislative institution should be dissolved and the government has to resign immediately and he's also said in his speech that he will not move from this place even if the last person would leave
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but he is going to continue his demands and then you his protest here requested all the protests that are very real and a golden chance as he called it to make a change in pakistan which is needed since the end of this country in one nine hundred forty seven. and as i just turning ten minutes past the hour moscow time france has launched a ground invasion in mali following five days of intense air attacks on islamic insurgents that the al qaeda affiliated militants have seized vast areas in the north of the former french colony and are now moving southward so the u.s. is among the states assisting the combat mission however media reports from there suggest that many of those now fighting against the mali government were trained previously by american agents to combat extremism africa expert lawrence freeman told r.t. why he thinks washington's previous policies have resulted in even more violence.
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you have several ways of this operation i mean first of all you have after the death sas nation murder presently khadafi you have basically within hours terrain no merit in others stream you caused a border with pickup trucks notorious hardware. but you've also had the failed attempt by the u.s. to so-called tree partners in mali and other african country. these new units moved their units to very very quickly and it was a complete failure in all these policy and when the french are pursuing the wrong going to fail because you can't we you know we'll start with a real crisis by military means first say there has to be complete she industry teaching simply forward thinking and the united states in the west has to focus on the underlying problems of economic development power the food shortages the accent
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or that make these countries very weak and fragile and susceptible to these kinds of attacks unless that paradigm shift occurs and we're just going to be killing more people. dropping bombs and will be doing nothing to help africa. now at r.t. dot com we've been asking you what you think the french combat mission in my. ali will eventually achieve a let's see some of the options we're suggesting at r.t. dot com right now it will quickly bring stability to the west african state or drag france into a war inside islamists to launch terror attacks or result in the recall in his asian of mali let's bring up the numbers now and see how your voting on our web site or dot com here come the pie charts now and every single hour the numbers continue to fluctuate thanks to you for now though we've got a joint a first position of the majority of you are both thinking it's going to turn into a long conflict in mali or it's also going to result in terror attacks but on french soil down now to the second position of quite
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a few of you actually now thinking that it will turn into a french recall an association of mali and down to the smallest voted number here will a very few number of you think that this french intervention in mali will bring some form of stability we are still continuing our poll web site here at r.t. dot com you can still get involved it's worth noting that you know very quickly that in france the media is calling the intervention in mali a war without images initially you're supposed to jesting but there is a government imposed a media blackout across france so do stay with us here on r.t. will keep you posted and to get involved with us and our to you dot com back now after a short break. it's. nice
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to be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic in school here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about seventy ip interviews intriguing story. in trying. to find out more visit our big t.v. dog called.
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deadly rivals. people killing each other in any other country. from society. and my. brother. to leave. the. anger and frustration.
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that. well into the. us history. this is. with matching the national flag. of this country. when it reaches and it legitimizes the. made in america. joining us here on our rule research shy that regime change comes at a high cost a recent study of the arab spring has revealed that the egyptian syrian and libyan
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revolutions could set those countries back by some two hundred twenty five billion dollars middle east economic analyst thinks the process to revive the economy is concerned will be a slow and painful one. we're talking about a complete structural change in how these economies work you know removing and reforming energy subsidies and subsidies changing the way the government deal with business and laws and constitutions and i think we're going to see in several years the of the hard slog i think it's not going to be as smooth as we saw in two thousand and eleven things are going to be difficult for the region for some time now syrian security is shaken as dozens of victims from the latest blast cling to life with the blame game between the government and rebels a full throttle we bring you an expert opinion on who actually could be benefiting
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from the deaths of civilians. also ensure its bid farewell by friends and supporters at his funeral in chicago coming up in just a few minutes here on the program we've got more on how the online activist was viewed inside the house. when our outgoing u.s. defense secretary leon panetta was on a week long trip to europe to discuss close military link ups and includes a visit to spain where washington is looking to double its defense presents this year spanish international affairs experts believe this is just one part of america's push to extend its worldwide influence. you know that i said. you have to take into account that there are two strains of thought within diplomatic circles in the united states or one of them is that they have to. and the most serious danger comes from the east from china and so they think they should reinforce their military and political presence in asia and the other strain and
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leon panetta and president obama a part of it says that the u.s. has to be present in the boat so the operation and therefore they also have to deploy the into missile defense shield that is a provocation against russia. now mourners in chicago have said to full farewells at the funeral of freedom of information activist aaron swartz he took his own life last week under pressure from federal prosecutors who sought her thirty five year jail sentence against him just in malta in an i.t. expert with a company schwartz targeted thinks the potential punishment never fitted the alleged crimes when everything is said and done nothing in that area downloaded was ever distributed and they did not pursue any charges against aaron i think that should have told a prosecuting attorney something you're looking at a crime that essentially amounts to downloading p.d.'s to a hard drive. no person was harmed there was no financial benefit murder
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received less punishment i mean i can't even imagine how scary and terrible that must be to have your government held back on putting you in a cage for thirty years for downloading some p.d.f. so if you're a depressed person that amounts to a death sentence. or to online few of them i want to see dot com fifteen years in jail just for a name change the sentence one eight gyptian family they wish to use christian names after illegally changing them in official documents. and a suspected criminal mastermind nicknamed the king of the russian mafia has been found killed in moscow to r.t. dot com more on that for him. for now more than one hundred fifty people remain in hospital in syria after a deadly blast rocked a university campus in the city of aleppo which killed almost ninety the explosion
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came on the first day of exams majority of those injured all students on the place also how some thirty thousand refugees state run media is blaming terrorists for the blast while rebels have pointed the finger at the regime saying warplanes carried out the strike middle east analyst option writer who says any negotiations with terrorists are just the next. we are talking about negotiating with terrorists and it cannot be any negotiation with this is this is the problem you cannot negotiate with the people who are killing civilians to press you to negotiations this is this is a really big problem no western state no western state no western government then who who say now it was here in government that should negotiate and so on and so on and. if the same in these countries i spoke to were the student performance at university would tell me that one they also warning from the careers
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groups they were saying they should condemn the university and they didn't do it so this was on a human there's the word for what's taking place right now it's there were more bombing it is being the civilians that show be crease. in school. will support the government in its fight against this current cement in the fight against the insurgents. ok let's get. some other global news for you in brief we'll start with a bombing in iraq at least seventeen killed it was a suicide car bomb attack at. the headquarters of the kurdish democratic party this in the northern iraqi city of. hundred people were also wounded with that number by three to rise and no one has yet claimed responsibility attacks by insurgents are still frequent in iraq with the country pressured by ethnic and sectarian divides.
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two people have been confirmed dead after a helicopter crash in central london just south of the parliament buildings in westminster and nine others were injured after the chopper clipped a crane on a skyscraper which is currently under construction the pilot had to change course because of. a suicide bomber has hit the building of the afghan domestic intelligence agency in the capital. three civilians were killed along with five attackers and thirty more were injured a second car bomb was diffused before it went off. the u.k. house of lords is said to debate handing the scottish parliament the powers it needs to hold next year's referendum on a breakaway from britain m.p.'s at westminster have already unanimously approved the order normally london has control of constitutional issues but this order would allow edinburgh to formulate the question and set the date for the historic vote of
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the scottish government wants to hold the referendum in the autumn of twenty four. workers it. plans to fire fourteen thousand people follows a proposal by the company to shut down three of its mines last year clashes with police during rolling strikes on the gold and platinum sectors across the. resulted in the deaths of fifty workers. israeli police arrested more than a dozen palestinian protesters attempting to return to a camp in the west bank and just last week demonstrators constructed a tent camp on an area israel has marked for new settlements aiming to make a village of their own it was then cleared by security forces israel's decision to go ahead with its plan to build new settler homes in the west bank has been widely condemned and is illegal under international law. and as we speak to
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a former legal adviser to the palestinian negotiating team he says the actions of a weak israeli leadership could have a serious long term impact on any chance of peace that's coming your way at six thirty g.m.t. . terms of the palestinians there's a crisis of leadership but there's a bigger crisis of leadership among the israelis we have an israeli prime minister who go to extreme lengths to continue to build and expand israeli settlements who doesn't want to confront the settler movement who simply wants to head israel down the path of war and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get himself reelected including attacking gaza. and it is now or less than a week until we find out whether benjamin netanyahu was reelected as israel holds a stop parliamentary election on tuesday of course with a situation of a turbulent middle east heavily dependent on the outcome the whole world will be closely watching the vote try not to miss or to use
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a special coverage. how will it with to really develop. isolate there be peace with. what's next in relations with america we'll let you know who survived his snuff election on january twenty second. israel decides. well it's been four decades now since the u.s. withdrew from vietnam ending its involvement in a war that cost both sides daily both financially and physically the price pay was too high for similar mistakes to be made again but some vietnam war veterans point to the fact that history appears to be repeating itself but this time in afghanistan. well the similarities are that we're it's a war of that period isn't that the united states is involved in it for reasons other than the stated objectives. that being good for the ringing of the corporate economy and our our geopolitical stance in the mideast the people that are writing
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aside whatever their political aspirations are preventable people and where it's where foreigners and where in their provinces but just. war and government might have troops in say new york city new york city people were stand together and defend their country and went off with an occupation. that's a situation that's similar we had that same problem in vietnam we were we were riding the local people and with foreign idea that i don't think we pay enough attention to the human cost of war we did we might be a little less interested in getting into another one now that we're talking about iran. coming up in just a sock here at odds he had gotten and breaking the sad. wealthy
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british style. that's not on the president's prime time. markets why not gonna. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r t. v it's easy. to meet.
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the world from the french science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had luck i got so many i mean at the time and i believe that i'm seeing the same thing really messed up. in the old story so personally apologize that's. the worst you're going through the white house or the. radio guy and politico minestrone. i want you to watch what we're about to give you never seen anything like this until.
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the boardroom or welcome to breaking the set i'm abby martin so here are some disturbing news that came out of the pentagon yesterday u.s. military suicides for the year twenty twelve had a dismal record of three hundred forty nine deaths and if you don't think that's a lot take this into account that suicide death toll exceeds the number of u.s. combat deaths in afghanistan over the same period so the military suicides clearly an epidemic and getting worse every year why isn't this issue more prevalent in the corporate press and even more importantly why are they supposed heroes of the wars getting proper treatment when they come home oh that's right it's just like my guest brandon neely former army guard at guantanamo bay said yesterday for the majority of people consuming the news once the story is read or watched it's over in their mind for those who lived through these wars they don't have that luxury they have to relive them every day for the rest of their lives so.


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